Access to Knockout Mice and ES Cell Clones
The Texas A&M Institute for Genomic Medicine (TIGM) is an essential resource for any researcher looking to obtain knockout mice and embryonic stem (ES) cells quickly and with favorable intellectual property (IP) terms. Our resources include the world’s largest gene trap library of ES cells in the C57BL/6N mouse strain and access to the largest library of ES cells in the 129/SvEvBrd mouse strain. TIGM provides both ES cell clones and mice to the public and private international research community.
C57Bl/6 Mice and ES Cell Clones
TIGM operates a gene trap library – a premier knockout mouse ES cell resource – that contains over 350,000 cell lines in the C57BL/6 mouse background. This library contains mutated ES cell clones representing more than 10,000 genes.
ES cell clone orders
Quality control procedures for ES cell clones:
- qPCR for Neo to ensure one copy of gene trapping vector is present in the genome
- qPCR for SRY to ensure there is no loss or degradation of the Y chromosome
- iPCR to ensure the gene trapping vector is in the correct location and orientation
- Assays to ensure cultures are free of mycoplasma, fungi and bacteria contamination
For standard ES cell clones orders, TIGM will supply:
- Up to three clones per gene confirmed to carry the correct mutations.
- Two vials per clone, each containing approximately 5.0×106 ES cells.
- QC report with validated genomic insertion site and recommended genotyping strategies
Knockout Mice Orders
Quality control procedures for mice:
- QC as above for the ES cells before microinjection
- Tail samples are genotyped with mutant strategies specific for the insertion site before the animals are shipped. A recommended strategy to genotype for the wild type allele is also provided.
For standard knockout mouse orders, TIGM will supply:
- Four (4) mutant mice, heterozygous for the selected mutation,
including at least one (1) breeding pair - Validated genotyping protocols
- Animal health data
How to Receive More Information or Place an Order
- Search our database for your gene(s) of interest.
- After the results page has loaded, click on the “Info” link
- Fill out the Information Request Form and click “Submit”
- A customer service representative will contact you regarding the availability of ES cell clones and/or knockout mice for your gene(s) of interest.
- A request is considered an order only after the appropriate TIGM Material Transfer Agreement (MTA), has been signed by the appropriate parties at your institution and returned to TIGM. All orders are subject to the terms and conditions found with these MTAs.
- Orders for knockout mice from TIGM require the execution of the TIGM Mutant Mouse MTA.
Sample TIGM Mutant Mouse MTA . - Orders for ES cells from TIGM require the execution of the TIGM ES Cell MTA.
Sample TIGM ES Cell MTA .
- Orders for knockout mice from TIGM require the execution of the TIGM Mutant Mouse MTA.
- For other inquiries, please send an email to