Fall 2012 Newsletter
We remapped our clone library to the latest mouse genome build and added almost 200 new genes to the list of available knockouts. If we did not have your gene in the past now is the time to search our database again. Our production efforts are as strong as ever; To date, TIGM has provided more than 290 mouse lines and more than 2,900 ES cell lines to external researchers. TIGM also offers a variety of services to the domestic and international research communities and high-throughput screening of our ES cell library. Important scientific breakthroughs are made with both direct and indirect involvement of TIGM; more than 70 peer-reviewed papers have been published by either TIGM scientists or external researchers who utilized TIM resources have been published. We now have more than 210 mouse lines in our repository all available at cost recovery rates. These are in addition to 170 NIH- and Wellcome-Trust-subsidized lines which are available as sperm for $5,000.
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October 12, 2012:
TIGM presented at the 3rd Annual Advances in Oncology: From Clinical Science to Clinical Practice in Houston, Texas.
A Gene Trap Resource to Characterize Cancer-related lncRNAs in C57BL/6 ES Cells & Mice
Summary: Over 1,000 inactivated ncRNAs, including a number of lncRNAs were identified in the TIGM clone collection. One such clone, IST14461G11, was used to establish a colony of homozygous mutant Malat1 mice in pure C57BL/6N genetic background. Real time PCRâbased expression analysis confirmed absence of the targeted transcript in the mutant line.
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Spring 2012 Newsletter
TIGM continues to be a major source of knockout mouse and mutant ES cell clones. Since 2006, TIGM has provided more than 290 mouse lines and more than 2,900 ES cell lines to external researchers. We have expanded our operations in our College Station facility and recently completed one year certification of pathogen-free status. In addition to providing mice and ES cells, TIGM also offers transgenic services to the domestic and international research communities and high-throughput screening of our ES cell library. Important scientific breakthroughs continue to be made using TIGM resources and more than 45 peer-reviewed publications have utilized TIGM resources. Finally, we now have more than 150 cryopreserved lines available on a cost recovery basis of $3,500.
[Download Spring 2012 Newsletter (PDF)]